Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How Do Stop Smoking Aids Really Work?

How Do Stop Smoking Aids Really Work?
When it’s time to quit smoking, many people turn to stop smoking aids to help them along. The days of going “cold turkey” are over, and rightly so. Smoking is as addictive as many illegal narcotics, and many people who try to quit on their own find the process traumatizing and almost impossible. Many go right back to cigarettes after only a day or two.

So what are some stop smoking aids that you can try,

Most Stop Smoking Aids are Effective

The good news about over-the-counter or relatively affordable stop smoking aids is that most of them are very effective. For example, one of the most popular options are the nicotine patch, works by releasing nicotine into your system slowly over a long period of time. This helps to calm your cravings for nicotine and keeps you from reaching for that cigarette. Some are designed to be worn for 24 hours, while others need to come off at night or stay on only for half a day. They are of course waterproof and do little damage to the skin; a mild rash or irritation is the only side effect that many report.

Nicotine gum is another effective stop smoking aid that many people have success with. The gum works much like the patch in that it slowly releases nicotine into the body’s system. Nicotine gum is not like regular gum in that it can’t be chewed endlessly; most brands of nicotine gum come with instructions on how to nestle the gum between the cheek and the teeth for some time in between chewing. Many people appreciate nicotine gum as a stop smoking aid because it gives them something to chew on and relieves some of that restlessness that many smokers report when they first try to quit.

There are of course other stop smoking aids, from pills to hypnotherapy. Many of these are reported to be very effective by those who have tried them. Most report the best success when they couple these aids with things such as regular exercise, a better diet, regular water intake to keep themselves hydrated and to help flush out the lingering toxins from cigarettes, and of course family support.

Of course each individual will need to make up their own mind about what stop smoking aids he or she will try, and of course it’s best to consult with one’s doctor, but the bottom line is that if you’re ready to stop smoking, there are plenty of items out there that can help you.

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